Sunday, March 18, 2018

Feminist Bible Studies in the Twentieth Century: Scholarship and Movement (Bible and Women 9.1) download .pdf by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

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Chart the development of feminist approaches and theories of interpretation during the period when women first joined the ranks of biblical scholars
This collection of essays on feminist biblical studies in the twentieth century seeks to explore four areas of inquiry demanding further investigation. In the first section, articles chart the beginnings and developments of feminist biblical studies as a conversation among feminists around the world. The second section introduces, reviews, and discusses the hermeneutic religious spaces created by feminist biblical studies. The third segment discusses academic methods of reading and interpretation that dismantle androcentric language and kyriarchal authority. The fourth section returns to the first with work that transgresses academic boundaries in order to exemplify the transforming, inspiring, and institutionalizing feminist work that has been and is being done to change religious mindsets of domination and to enable wo/men to engage in critical readings of the Bible.
Features: Essays examine the rupture or break in the malestream reception history of the Bible Exploration of the term feminism in different social-cultural and.
Feminist Bible Studies in the Twentieth Century: Scholarship and Movement (Bible and Women 9.1) free ebook pdf epub
Feminist Bible Studies in the Twentieth Century: Scholarship and Movement (Bible and Women 9.1) for free
Feminist Bible Studies in the Twentieth Century: Scholarship and Movement (Bible and Women 9.1) read online free book
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza Feminist Bible Studies in the Twentieth Century: Scholarship and Movement (Bible and Women 9.1) free

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