Friday, July 13, 2018

Download ABC Programmer's Handbook pdf - Leo Geurts

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Everybody knows about designing web sites and computer systems so that they are easy to use, but what would happen if you designed a programming language with the same goals? The answer is ABC; a language that was designed on a 'clean sheet' with the goal of delivering an easy-to-use language ideal for teaching and learning about programming. . ABC is more readable than other languages, and has no obscure commands. . It is more concise than other languages; equivalent programs written in C are five times as long. . It is more powerful than other languages; its perfect choice of high-level data types make it an ideal tool for serious programming. . ABC was one of the inspirations for the Python programming language and Python shares key ideas and features of ABC. This book provides a hands-on introduction to the language including many programming examples along with a users guide and a complete definition of the language. The language is available free to run on PCs, Macs and UNIX. Have a look at:
ABC Programmer's Handbook pdf
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ABC Programmer's Handbook read online

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