Tuesday, July 31, 2018

download On the Edge of the River Sar: A Feminist Translation - Rosalía de Castro .pdf

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This book presents the first feminist translation of Rosal a de Castro s seminal poetic anthology En las orillas del Sar [On the Edge of the River Sar] (1884).

Rosal a de Castro (1837 1885) was an artist of vast poetic vision. Her understanding of human nature and her deep sensitivity to the injustices suffered by women and by such marginalized peoples as those of her native region, Galicia, are manifest in verses of universal yet rarely translated significance. An outspoken proponent of both women s rights and her region s cultural and political autonomy, Castro used her poetry as a vehicle through which to decry the crushing hardships both groups endured as Spain vaulted between progressive liberal and conservative reactionary political forces throughout the nineteenth century. Depending upon what faction held sway in the nation at any given time during Castro s truncated literary career, her works were either revered as revolutionary or reviled as heretical for the views they espoused. Long after her death by uterine cancer in 1885, Castro was excluded from the pantheon of Spanish literature by Restoration society for her.
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On the Edge of the River Sar: A Feminist Translation pdf
On the Edge of the River Sar: A Feminist Translation by Rosalía de Castro ebook pdf epub mobi

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