Saturday, July 14, 2018

download What Would Emma Do? [pdf] by Eileen Cook

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Thou Shalt Not Kiss Thy Best Friend's Boyfriend...again...
There is no greater sin than kissing your best friend's boyfriend. So when Emma breaks that golden rule, she knows she's messed up big-time...especially since she lives in the smallest town ever, where everyone knows everything about everyone else...and especially since she maybe kinda wants to do it again. Now her best friend isn't speaking to her, her best guy friend is making things totally weird, and Emma is running full speed toward certain social disaster. This is so not the way senior year was supposed to go.
Time to pray for a minor miracle. Or maybe, just maybe, it's time for Emma to stop trying to please everyone around her, and figure out what she wants for herself.
"Sassy and sly and sweet all at the same time, this book made me laugh out loud." --Meg Cabot, author of The Princess Diaries and Airhead
"Not since Judy Blume's Margaret introduced herself to God has there been such a funny, genuine, conflicted, wanna-be-sorta-good-maybe-later girl as Emma. Cook's tone as she takes on the big ones-life, love, faith, and friendship-is pitch perfect." --Jacquelyn.
What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook ebook pdf epub mobi
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